senswork at Coiltech Germany 2025 in Augsburg

senswork, an expert in machine vision solutions, will be presenting technologies for quality assurance in electric motor production at Coiltech in Augsburg from March 26 to 27. At booth 5-C36, the company will be showcasing ZScan 360, an AI-supported solution for the automated 3D inspection of laser-welded hairpins in electric stators.

Quality assurance of the laser welding of hairpins is a decisive factor for the efficiency and durability of electric motors. With ZScan 360, senswork offers a powerful 3D inline measuring system for the precise measurement and inspection of such rotary components in just a few seconds.

The hairpins are captured three-dimensionally from two perspectives and the data obtained is precisely merged geometrically. The individual welding positions are then spatially separated before the quality of the weld seams is classified using senswork's own AI toolbox Neuralyze®. This uses an innovative, AI-supported 3D classification system that processes real 3D point clouds.

The system reliably detects a wide range of welding defects, including insufficiently welded pins, holes in the weld seam, deformed or incomplete weld beads and welding residues. In addition, the three-dimensional detection enables the height and width of the hairpins to be checked precisely.

Increased efficiency through AI-supported automation

ZScan 360 impresses with its high-resolution, seamless 3D scanning, especially for rotationally symmetrical components. Thanks to multi-sensor calibration, the sensors can be arranged flexibly in order to adapt optimally to different production requirements. As the complete rotation axis is already integrated into the system, the electric stators only need to be placed under the inspection system for testing.

The system is optimized for fast data evaluation and is unique on the market due to its AI-based point cloud processing. Its modular concept enables easy integration into the electric stator production process.

Visit us on March 26/27 at Coiltech in Augsburg, booth 5-C36!

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At Coiltech at booth 5-C36, senswork will be showcasing an AI-supported automated solution for the 3D inspection of laser-welded hairpins in electrical stators. The system recognizes and classifies different welding defects in 3D - quickly and reliably. (Source: senswork)


Press Contact
Hedwig Unterhitzenberger
+49 8677 409958-37
senswork GmbH, Gewerbepark Lindach D 3, 84489 Burghausen

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